“Am I real, or am I fake”

The following test was written based on the verses below, and asking the Lord to test and shine His light on myself, and to be able to truly appreciate and see on what the Lord has done and accomplished for me and anyone that wants to experience the Real God, in His fullness, and in His death, His Life, and His resurrection. There are many tests and many questioners out there, to find out if you have a certain personality, compatibility, what kind of food you should and should not eat, what type of vitamins you need, etc. But I could not find any test, that I could test and judge myself on, to find out where I truly and honestly stand before my Lord and Savior. Therefore I asked Him to provide me one, to test and judge myself on it, not to be judge by Him. And the name of the test is called “Am I fake or Am I real”, but before you read this one, please read the following verses to see why it’s necessary for one’s well being to come before the Lord and be honest with yourself. 1 Corinthians 11. 27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.

“Am I fake or am I real” Both the real and fake are a look alike! But are very different! In the next few points you will find a description of each and that’s also is related to finding a treasure parable (Matt 13:44). While reading these points, the question that I asked myself is, to which of these two categories I find myself most in:

Fake category:

  1. Fake is very attractive, vs real.
  2. Fake is very pleasing to the eye!
  3. Fake is more luring, it’s more shiny, can be seen from further out!
  4. Fake is very noisy, because it has to be, in order to be attractive.
  5. Fake doesn’t have the inner substance, to match that by which you are attracted.
  6. Fake is just a shell, shell that’s covering up the inside, shell that’s covering up the worthless substance, shell that’s covering up the emptiness.
  7. Fake is a shell, that does not liked to be touched, it’s only for display!
  8. Fake is a shell, that does not like to be tested for its worthiness!
  9. Fake, gets very easily offended, because their existence, is a mere outer layer, existing for self defense!
  10. Fake, spend all there energy and existence, worrying about its appearance and the shell!
  11. Fake, is very concerned about social distancing, they only prefer to be around their own kind!
  12. Fake, use their shell to suppress God, while doing everything to generate their own light to shine!
  13. Fake, can’t deal with any conflict, any disturbances of the outer shell!
  14. Fake, are very vile when there is a breakage of the outer shell!
  15. Fake, only like to deal with the symptoms that appear on the shell, but bury the root causes of those symptoms!
  16. Fake, are very concerned about pleasing people that don’t care about them, even at the expense of the ones that love them!
  17. Fake, will fight to death to defend the outer shell and its appearance, claiming to be a victim, and will attract other fakes to defend them!
  18. Fake, like to hide behind spiritual terms, like “peace”, and “oneness”, in order not to be exposed!
  19. Fake, in order to generate worldly attraction of others, need to be resuscitated every morning,in order to generate its own light of attraction!
  20. Fake, must be very loud and spiritual on the outside, in order to avoid detection of its true value and condition!

Real Category:

  1. Real is very stable not as attractive!
  2. Real doesn’t worry or concern themselves about the outer shell!
  3. Real does not care what, where, how, and who is testing it!
  4. Real only reflects the same amount of light on the outside as it has inside!
  5. Real does not need to defend its substance, it’s the same from the outside to the most inner cell!
  6. Real does not need to be resuscitated every morning!
  7. Real does not need to be checked for heart beat, or breath every day!
  8. Real loves light and doesn’t hide from its exposure!
  9. Real, doesn’t deal with the symptoms, it deals with the root cause!
  10. Real, enjoys proofing process, in order to be used in the most highest and precious applications, and to achieve the highest proof!
  11. Real knows that he’s substance is not that of his own making, of his own testing, but that of someone else’s work!
  12. Real doesn’t sell itself, it’s only recognized by those who want it, and are searching for the real thing!
  13. Real requires a lot of dirt moving, searching, coming up empty, or sometimes finding a fake first, in order to recognize the difference!
  14. Real requires blood, sweat and tears, fake is readily available, nothing is required! (Well, maybe 99 cents)
  15. Real has very little following, fake is big and loud!
  16. When one finds a real thing, they never can go back to fake!
  17. Real is self-existing, undeterred or unmovable!
  18. Real is all consuming!
  19. Real is feeling like you’re an alien in this world!
  20. Real, is like you don’t exist, but Something Exists in your place!

May God bless you, and your honest evaluation and judgment of yourself, so that you are not judged by Him!